What is Visa’s Order Insight?
Chargebacks can weigh on a merchant’s financial reputation, especially when it begins adding up. Out of everything to focus on within your […]
Mastercard Refund Authorization Mandate
When a merchant issues a refund, the goal is to get the funds back to the customer as quickly as possible. Over […]
What is a Payment Processor?
Payment processors make accepting payments possible. Businesses can accept multiple forms of payments with the right processor and merchant accounts. Payment processors […]
Revitpay’s Guide to PCI Compliance
Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance keeps cardholder data safe. These sets of regulations also keep businesses safe by preventing fraud. PCI compliance […]
How to Win Disputes with Compelling Evidence
Merchants are at a disadvantage in chargeback disputes. It’s more likely that the disputing customer will win and leave the business with […]
Why is the VoIP and Telecommunications Industry High Risk?
The rise of remote communication allows the VoIP and telecommunications industry to thrive. VoIP and other online communication services are used by […]
How Do the Merchant Advisory Group and the Merchant Risk Council Help Merchants?
Being a merchant is not easy. New challenges arise every moment as the world’s economy shifts with innovation. Businesses can turn to […]
How Businesses Can Fight Friendly Fraud
Friendly fraud saw an increase when eCommerce became the most popular form of shopping. This current shopping trend gives consumers access to […]
What is EMV Fraud?
EMV technology was made to reduce fraud for all businesses. As effective as EMV is, account compromise still happens. The emergence of […]
What is the Terminated Merchant File?
The Terminated Merchant File (TMF) is a list of business owners with flagged merchant accounts. It is also known as the MATCH […]
Do Free Trials Affect Your Chargeback Rate?
Free trials give potential customers a chance to try out a service before committing to a subscription. Offering free trials is a […]
Are Biometric Payments Secure?
Payment authentication is crucial in preventing fraud. Chip cards, touch ID, and face ID are results of an evolving authentication technology. The […]