How Do Banks Investigate Disputes?
Disputes against merchants don’t only involve the filing customer and merchant. The customer’s bank and associated credit card providers involve themselves to […]
What is a No Chargeback Agreement?
Merchants have no chargeback agreements in attempts to discourage customers from filing chargebacks. It can seem like a good idea to have […]
Are Digital Download Businesses High Risk?
What are Digital or Content Download Businesses? Digital and content download businesses operate solely online. Businesses transfer or give access to digital […]
Can My Marketing Cause Chargebacks?
Your marketing can cost your business chargebacks. eCommerce marketing is meant to draw customers in. However, it continues to follow clients through […]
Types of eCommerce Plugins
A large array of eCommerce plugins are available to eCommerce merchants. Plugins improve customer experience as well as streamline processes for businesses. […]
Why is the Credit Repair Industry High Risk?
The credit repair industry is a multi-billion dollar market with a growing ecommerce presence. New credit repair businesses are able to get […]
Underpayment Penalties for Merchants
Tax underpayment penalties can apply to both individual and corporate taxpayers. Underpayment penalties can have detrimental effects on merchants. What are Underpayment […]
Are Food and Alcohol Delivery Services a High Risk Industry?
Food and alcohol delivery is a convenient service. Most consumers have utilized food and alcohol delivery services at least once since mobile […]
How Do Card Networks Work with Banks and Merchants?
Card networks have a crucial role in merchant finances and payment processing. Banks and card networks work together to provide secure methods […]
Merchant’s Guide to Authorization Holds
Authorization holds protect businesses by preventing chargebacks and ensuring funds. They lock in transaction amounts so that merchants can receive payments once […]
Mastercard Claims Resolution
Major card brands play a pivotal role in dispute resolution. Mastercard has shifted the way they handle claims against merchants. Their goal […]
What is the Difference Between Issuer and Acquirer?
Payment processing happens between issuers and acquirers. In short, an issuer is a customer’s bank while an acquirer is a merchant’s bank. […]