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Offering online delivery has become almost a necessity for any restaurant operating in this post-pandemic world. For most businesses, the physical integration of these services may be seamless, but it can be pricey; strict steady awareness of your profitability is needed to ensure the viability of implementing delivery for your business. Utilizing 3rd party delivery services is always a substantial investment, however, employing an in-house delivery system can cut that investment into pieces. This may seem incredibly intimidating compared to setting up an account with DoorDash, but the reduced cost and overall control can be worth the extra steps needed.

Third-party delivery apps cost an estimated 50% more to run when compared to operating with in-house delivery, smaller restaurants will just barely scrape by with those margins. Beyond reduced costs, the greater control granted when utilizing in-house delivery offers a slew of opportunities to expand brand awareness and company reputation. You’re not relying on random delivery drivers who could care less about your company’s image, you can hire your own drivers; not just as your delivery guy, but as a steward for your brand, one that creates a reliable and consistent report with your audience. Combining that with personalized packaging that motivates intense brand synergy, it feels almost silly to hit download on that DoorDash app.

The Essentials Tools for Supporting In-House Delivery

Delivery Compatible Point of Sales Software

Employing a more tactile system of handwriting and hand-delivering order information can support Low-volume restaurants just fine. However, utilizing the features of a modern POS System can streamline your operations significantly, especially if compatible with your delivery software. The ability to trace and facilitate orders, as well as calculate accurate delivery estimations makes POS Systems more than essential to the success of your in-house delivery setup.

Online Menu Software

You’re not left alone to build your restaurant’s own unique DoorDash or GrubHub. Multiple software and services are available that can emulate the storefront setup provided by these apps, as well as usher additional facilitation of your orders. You can customize the design of the setup to fit your branding, and easily take in and ship out orders by communicating with your POS, all while costing a fraction of the price of an UberEATS or Seamless setup.

Delivery Driver Housekeeping

A few unexpected costs are usually found when working out the logistics of physically delivering the orders. Between deciding whether to use a company car, which would require to specifically insure for that vehicle. Or allowing your employees to use their vehicles, which would require the tools to accurately trace their miles for reimbursement.

On the software side of things, ensuring you have a proper delivery tracker is essential; for restaurants with a “30 mins or less” type guarantee, especially. Additionally, a system that facilitates quick communication between you, the driver, and the customer, is extremely necessary when considering any urgent changes to the order, delivery address, etc.

Logistical Speed Run

The following are a few other potential features to consider when assembling your in-house delivery setup.

  • Additional Payment Options: Make a thorough assessment of your audience’s most used payment types. You may desperately require prepaid ordering, in addition to in-store contactless payment options. Or you could suffice with a simple online portal with no in-store payment options. Overstuffing yourself with options can bloat your operations and bring unexpected costs, so again, an assessment of what your audience specifically uses is key.
  • Online Ordering Kitchen Space: Your Kitchen is probably already as cramped as it could get. But, if there’s room, sectioning off an area exclusively for online ordering operations can skirt a lot of frustrations when working between both online and in-store orders.
  • Quality Packaging: Branding isn’t the only aspect of your packing that you should consider. Utilizing quality packing that can withstand weather, rough traffic, and maintain temperature, is a must; what’s the point of even offering delivery if it’s inedible upon arrival?

If You Need it, Then You NEED it

Two years past the pandemic, offering online ordering and delivery options is now a prerequisite for most restaurants. For some, they wouldn’t have survived the shutdown, if not for the integration of those services. At this point, if you’re not offering any equivalent option, then either you know your restaurant can effeminately survive without it, or you’re currently missing out on an extremely lucrative opportunity. Build a roadmap using assessments of your restaurant’s profitability, audience preferences, POS setup, as well as your current delivery system, and chart exactly where you need to go from here.

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